This post is to celebrate ladies with admirable natural hair journeys, the intention is to inspire and encourage more black women to embrace their natural looks.
Our very first hair Crush is someone that I find particularly inspiring, her hair is super gorgeous and I have learnt quite a lot from her in my Natural hair journey. She is non other than the beautiful Temitope Adesina.

Popular known as Naturallytemi, she's a US based Nigerian Successful Natural hair Vlogger. She is also a brand Ambassador for a hair product company, just look at that hair 😻.
Anyways, I chose Temi first because she's relatable. When I first started my hair Journey, I didn't have much to work with then I found out my hair type and was super confused and clueless then I found this lady with very kinky hair and I followed her page. I can confidently say Temi is one of the reasons I didn't give up. I watched when she shared her hair journey, she has been Natural since 2011 and knowing that it wasn't always so rosy at first gave me hope. She first tried transitioning which didn't quite workout then she went back to relaxer. Then the next time she decided to go for the big chop and start over and a few years later, its all worth it. 

Above is a picture of her hair journey from 2012 to 2016 gotten from her Instagram page, Temi says her hair is a mixture of 4B and 4C, She's proof that Kinky hair can be very beautiful if well taken care of. 
Fro Crush Wednesday is here to stay and its an inspirational post to encourage everyone on this journey. 

You can find her on @naturallytemi on Instagram and YouTube and other social media platforms. If you have other people you think qualify for our #FCW or you would like to be featured on this blog to share your journey, kindly use the contact us gadget on the side bar (top right) of the home page and we would be happy to share. 

Don't forget to subscribe and drop your comments below; also share this page with people that could benefit from itπŸ™ŒπŸ½


  1. Currently have in crochet braids. I would like to contribute my Wednesday crush of my own hair

    1. Oh we would be happy to have you... thank you so much


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